Earth Work


Earthworks are engineering works created through the processing of parts of the earth's surface involving quantities of soil or unformed rock.Earthwork is a process that involves the movement of a portion of the earth’s surface from one location to another and in a new position. It also involves the establishment of a new position for earth material like sand. Earth movement also involves the creation of a new desired shape and physical condition for the earth material being moved. It is also called Excavation

Building Work


Building Works means building work including mechanical and electrical installations in buildings and civil engineering works ancillary to building works, such as earthworks, basements, reticulations (stormwater, sewer and water), roads, paving, reservoirs, towers and the like

Overhead Tank Construction


The water storage constructed on roof tops is called as overhead water tank. These tanks are designed as per requirement of quantity of water used by occupants of building.

Pipeline Work


Pipeline Construction means to lay the pipes to serve their intended purposes. There are two kinds of pipelines: Liquid and Gaseous. The construction of both pipelines is similar. Construction of large scale cross country pipeline involves a multitude of activities.